《Hiragana Lesson 3》Contracted sound

Hiragana contracted sound

Pronounce as one sound, with the character of “i” in each row and small “やrow”





How to write



Reading practice

Please read

① ばしゃ carriage
② ちゃいろ  brown
③ さんびゃく 300
④ みりょく charm
⑤ かのじょ girlfriend
⑥ ちょしゃ author
⑦ きょり distance
⑧ きんぎょ goldfish
⑨ ほりょ captive
⑩ ちゃくしょく coloring





① basha
② chairo
③ sanbyaku
④ miryoku
⑤ kanojo
⑥ chosha
⑦ kyori
⑧ kingyo
⑨ horyo
⑩ chakushoku




Writing practice

Please write in Hiragana

① ji sho
② cho ku se tsu
③ o cha
④ i sha
⑤ shu ru i
⑥ ryo ka n
⑦ cho ki n
⑧ ji n ja
⑨ gyo sha
⑩ se n kyo





① じしょ dictionary
② ちょくせつ directly
③ おちゃ tea
④ いしゃ doctor
⑤ しゅるい type
⑥ りょかん inn
⑦ ちょきん savings
⑧ じんじゃ shrine
⑨ ぎょしゃ coachman
⑩ せんきょ election